Diversity and Culture

How can you ensure you are inclusive and understanding of all cultures within your classroom?

On this page you will find information and resources to help you create a welcoming and inclusive classroom for all.

The Civil Rights Movement and EL Students

January is typically a time teachers devote to teaching about the Civil Rights Movement because of Martin Luther King, Jr. Day. I employ you not to stop at Martin Luther King, Jr. though when teaching about this period in our country’s history! The Civil Rights movement was huge for immigrant families and English Language Learners as well.

Sylvia Mendez and her family were catalysts for change amongst immigrant families during the Civil Rights Movement. If you are looking for ways to expand your lessons on this time period and want to be inclusive of all the students in your classroom, look into her story! Here is a link to purchase Separate is Never Equal: Sylvia Mendez and Her Family’s Fight for Desegregation.

Interventions and EL Students

Intervention programs such as RTI or MTSS are used in most schools to identify and help students who may not be making progress in the general classroom. However, we cannot assume that our usual interventions will always be effective for our English learners. This video and article from Colorin Colorado explains more about how we…

Special Ed and EL Students

All too often teachers with little to no experience in working with EL students may jump to the conclusion that EL students might have a learning disability, simply because they are struggling academically. However, we have to be careful to determine whether the student actually has a learning disability, or if their limited English proficiency…


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